Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Diary for March 26th

Whenever I go running, I always see things I think would make for a great 'blog story,' but then I get home and get busy and forget.

But today I had my phone with me while I ran so I decided to take a picture. Here it is:
These are the horses that live on my main running route. Their little barn and grazing pasture is by the hill where I like to do hill repeats. The one closest to the camera gives me dirty looks when I'm wearing my running cap. I wasn't wearing it today so he wasn't interested. They are nice horses, I guess. They basically ignore me except for the hat thing.

While I was running, I found a running glove I'd dropped on my route about 2 months ago. I thought it was lost for good.  I brought it home and compared it to the other one for wear. They looked about the same. I wanted to post a picture, but for some reason the blog won't let me. Here's a picture of my new petunias instead:

I read a lot of links today. Here they are with brief descriptions. Thanks for reading. You're awesome.

http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000080515  This is an exerpt of an interview with AIG  CEO Benmoche. He's explaining to Jim Cramer why paying back taxpayers for the $130+ Billion loan with 4% interest was a great deal for taxpayers. The Fast Money crew seems not just unimpressed, but angry. Good stuff.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelo_v._City_of_New_London The Supreme Court decision on eminent domain that was probably one of the worst ever for private property rights.

http://www.examiner.com/buzz-in-atlanta/is-the-chick-man-s-eviction-part-of-roswell-s-2030-comprehensive-plan Someone who thought he had private property rights, but the city had other ideas. Now he is dead.

http://t.co/tIRNM2wH  Landmark Legal Foundation Supreme Court arguments against Obamacare.

http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f32197d443411f581741729df&id=dcccd86329&e=e65265caec Mackenzie Image Consulting Spring Shopper's guide.

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