Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Interview of Molyneux and Woods and the History and Philosophy of Liberty

Here's the link to last Sunday's show. My 4 o'clock guest was  Keyantwon Stephens who recently left the 9th District Congressional race here in Georgia, but  plans to primary Republican Governor Nathan Deal in 2014. My 5 o'clock guests were activist/lecturer Stefan Molyneux and best-selling author Tom Woods. Both were there to promote their upcoming speaking engagements at the Libertarian Party of Texas's state convention being held June 8-10th. But we also discussed whether people really want to be free and whether my participation at the Republican National Convention legitimizes a inherently violent system. Forward to the 58:30 minute mark to hear the show.


There's also video of the second hour. Stefan made it. You can watch it here

http://lptexas.org/2012convention  LP Texas Convention event info.

Tom Woods Info
http://www.tomwoods.com/  Information on all things Tom Woods is here.
http://www.libertyclassroom.com/  New educational venture Tom has started.

Stefan Molyneux

Articles mentioned on the show

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Republican Congressional Candidate Greg Pallen's Interview

Republican Congressional Candidate Greg Pallen joined me last Thursday in the first hour of the Proof Negative Show instead of my regular 8-9pm time slot. Greg's running for Congress in Georgia's 4th District. Greg was a good sport about having his interview time changed. Thanks to Greg!

Here's the link to Greg's interview, and it starts right when you press play. No need to forward. Isn't that great?

Proof Negative (not his real name.lol.), our network owner would like for you to look for the show archive by using our "FR Tour">"FR Show Archive" links at www.freedomizerradio.com to help boost our Alexa rankings. If you don't mind, try to find the archive of Greg's interview that way (the date was May 24th), that way Proof will be happy.

The reason I did the show in Proof's hour was because of a technical problem with BlogTalkRadio . I named the show the 'Late Night Party Rock Edition,' although that's a pretty silly name, so I decided not to title this blog post like that.

Here are the awesome links from the show:

http://gregpallenforcongress.com/index.php/20-promises - Neato! Greg P. has 20 commitments to you the voter.

Greg was endorsed by G. Edward Griffin. He wrote this really intriguing treatise on the unconstitutional beginnings of the Federal Reserve:

This link is coverage of GA GOP state convention NDAA Resolution Vote from last Saturday with footage of  Debbie Dooley, a prominent leader of Georgia's Tea Party Activists, calling to vote AGAINST the amended resolution. ??? I know. I don't get it either.

Music for the show provided by Chris Trentham, Trevor Simpson, Ethan Maas, Shawn Bray, and Pro'Verb.  There are others, but these are the ones I used Thursday (and use nearly every show). If you have great music, forward it to me. ValerieSM@freedomizerradio.com.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Two Different Interpretations of the GA GOP Convention

My guests on yesterday's Valerie Sargent Martin Show were Tony Robbins and Jordan "Alex" Johnson. Robbins is a Middle Georgia businessman and longtime Georgia Republican Party regular. Johnson is an attorney and the Chair of the Dekalb County Young Republicans. Johnson nominated himself for Georgia National Committteeman from the floor of the Georgia Republican Party state convention last Saturday in Columbus, Georgia.

I invited Robbins and Johnson on the show to give their thoughts on the convention. Forward to the 55:00 minute mark to hear the show. Tony Robbins' interview is at the 66:00 minute mark, Alex Johnson's is at the 119:00 minute mark.


Tony Robbins (with wife Carolyn and Judy Hufstetler at GAGOP Convention) 

Jordan "Alex" Johnson

I'm on the far right. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Cohosted an Intense Show Last Night

I don't think I ever agree 100% with the guests on my own radio show or on the show I co-host,The Proof Negative Show. I knew when I signed up to start hosting back in January that FreedomizerRadio.com operates on the fringe of alternative news. I also know that the traditional talk radio stuff I try to do is pretty  'boring' in comparison. With that in mind, you'll understand why I probably wouldn't have Texe Marrs and Holland Vandennieuwenhof, the two gentlemen that were guests on Proof's show last night, on my show without presenting a lot of disclaimers first to avoid controversy.

Which sort of makes me disappointed in myself.

Link to the replay of the show:

Long as heck Ustream recording of me during the show. Not worth watching. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/22615485

Texe Marrs related links:

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

Read more http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/h/henrydavid161709.html

Holland Vandennieuwenhof:

Other stuff we talked about:

Just throwing this out there.
http://www.iamthegrandchild.com/2012/05/13/fabulous-fail-ginger-howard-runs-for-borg-queen/ (This is a different take on how some people view my show and my guests. It is unflattering, but it is still helpful to see where people are coming from.)
http://www.dailymile.com/people/ValerieM10#ref=tophd (Did you know I run?)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Links for the Mother's Day Episode of The VSM Show

Link to a replay of today's radio show with Republican candidates for the 2nd District, John House and Rick Allen. GA Natl Cmtewoman Linda Herren also joins us. Forward to the 53:00 minute mark to hear the show.

I also recorded the show on Ustream. Keep in mind you'll only hear my side of the conversation, no guests or music. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/thevaleriesargentmartinshow

Candidate John House

Candidate Rick Allen

Georgia National Committeewoman Linda Herren


Time Magazine Cover: "Are You Mom Enough?"

New music courtesy of Trevor Simpson

Other music provided by Chris Trentham http://soundcloud.com/search?q%5Bfulltext%5D=chris+trentham
Pro'Verb, Andrew Mott, Shawn Bray, Ethan Maas, Eric Jerardi Band, and Animal Grace.

I love independent musicians. Please send me links to your music. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Links to Today's 'Republican National Committee, Etc.' Episode

Who are Georgia's candidates for National Committeeman and Committeewoman? Two of them, Ginger Howard and Frank Strickland, joined me today on the VSM show. Forward to the 50:00 minute mark at the link below to hear the show. Yes. 50:00. Not 60:00. For some reason the hour-long show before mine only lasted 50 minutes today.

Ginger Howard - Candidate for Georgia's National Committeewoman

Frank Strickland - Candidate for Georgia's National Committeeman

Odds and ends with Sonny Thomas, Music Promoter/Tea Party Activist

It was a great show today. I always say that, but it was really great. After the show I went to watch my daughter's choir concert. She did well and makes me proud. Here's a picture.

Before the radio show today, I fixed french toast for the kids. I made it out of leftover hot dog buns which sounds pretty gross, but turned out exceptionally great.  Here's a picture.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to Listen to The Valerie Sargent Martin Show

You can listen to the show three ways: online via the website, by phone, or via Skype.

To listen online go to www.freedomizerradio.com and scroll down to see the 'blogtalk radio' box on the left of the screen. Then press the 'play' button. Depending on when you connect you may hear the previous hour's show. Be sure to hit your browser's 'refresh' button at the top of the hour to hear the show live.  

If you want to connect via Skype, be sure your Skype account is open then go to the website www.freedomizerradio.com. On the main page of the website there is a 'Skype' button at the top of the page. Click the button and, once you're connected, you will hear the show playing live.

To listen by phone, dial the call-in number (347) 324-3704 during the show hours, Sundays, 4-6pm Eastern, or Thursdays 8-9pm Eastern, and the show will be playing live. This is the same number guests use when they call in for their interview, but I only answer callers who have pressed  '1' to notify me that they wish to talk. All other calls just sit in the queue. 

The show is also recorded and available for replay shortly after the live broadcast and can be found on the main page by clicking "FR Tour," then "FR Archive," then choose the show from the list of all the recent FR broadcasts. I usually post a link to the replay on my facebook page.

UPDATE:  I have been told by a knowledgeable person that there is a blogtalkradio app for iPhones and Android phones. Search for FreedomizerRadio.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Thousand Open Tabs

Here are links to stuff I'm reading that I probably would've talked about if I had done the radio show last Sunday.

Ron Paul Caucus Success Continues
Info on new AK GOP Chairman and Ron Paul supporter Russ Millette's political affliation is here: https://givemeliberty.org/user/congress/state.aspx?state=ak
Video of AK State Convention when State Senator endorses Romney

The terrible CISPA vote


Last Sunday was a cluster. Held the headline guest slot open too long in the hopes that we could get Congressman Austin Scott to discuss his vote in support of CISPA. Even my secondary guests were not firm and everything just went downhill.

I didn't feel well anyway. I decided to put off my secondary guests and play a rebroadcast of Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer's interview, but couldn't get the file loaded to the studio in time. Boo. Thanks to Minister Kenneth Emmanuel, Sr. for filing in while I worked on the file. Thanks to C the Power for her help, as always.

This good video came after Sunday. Ron Paul takes Nobel Prize Winning Economist Paul Krugman to task.

Thanks for reading! -VSM