Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lots O' Links for today's Radio Show

Hey, everyone. My new radio show starts today from 4-6pm EST on If you want to follow along with today's radio show, here are the links I'll be discussing.

Links provided by guest and liberty activist Gigi Bowman:
Liberty Candidates Website

Ian Cioffi's site promoting Liberty Fest West

Liberty Candidates campaign websites: 

Jason Greene U.S. Congress, MO 5th District

Robert Wagner, Candidate for VT Senate

Zach Grady, Candidate for U.S. Congress, TX 14th District

All music from today's show:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Two for Two!

Another awesome live blog session tonight. Paul did exceptionally well. Thanks everyone for joining me! Let's take South Carolina!

CNN 2012 South Carolina GOP Debate Live Blog

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

(I'm one of the) Local Republicans Eyeing South Carolina Primary

Thanks to WMAZ's Randall Savage for covering the Ron Paul campaign for Middle Georgia viewers. Just like every TV interview they record 10 times the amount of video they actually used. So, yeah, I discussed lots of stuff like how Ron Paul's going to rock out in the Nevada Caucuses, and how his support among the military is the highest of any other candidate, and how young people love him the most, but that was left out.

I'm not disappointed, though. I'm thankful they gave Paul coverage. Hope you all think I'm a good representative. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

HUZZAH! Success...

Thanks to Andrew Simpson for suggesting that we live blog tonight's debate. Although the debate was quite awful, the live blogging was FANTASTIC! Thanks to you all for participating.  Let's do it again for Thursday night's CNN debate, alrighty? Love you folks. -Valerie

Live Blogging the SC Primary Debate

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cornering the Critical 'Koozie User' Vote

So, a dear dear friend of mine is struggling to decide who to support in the Republican Presidential Primary. And who can blame her? The choices are, well, overwhelming. My friend has decided that in this important time in our nation's history she will base her vote on koozies. You know, a 'koozie,' an insulated beverage holder usually used to conceal a beer can or bottle. It's a testament to the quality of the Republican field this election cycle that people can be swayed by a candidate who distributes koozies.

'Valerie is Awesome'

So, I've started a blog. It's called 'A Political Song.' Now that you're here you're officially part of 'Beta' testing. Maybe, when it's really successful years from now, I will give you a commemorative t-shirt. My plan is to try to transition over here from facebook, mostly for longer commentary and eventually videos and podcasts and a whole "Valerie is Awesome" shop selling hoodies and mouse pads. I'll start hawking my book "Paulbot: a Liberty Love Story" in about six months.

Gay Marriage Necessarily Leads to Polygamy?

Crowd Boos Santorum For Comparing Gay Marriage To Polygamy

Paul's Q4 2011 Fundraising Exceeds $13 Million

Paul rakes in $13 million the past three months – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

New NH poll numbers show Paul in Second

Washington Times article on latest NH numbers. Their headline stinks.

Crack, anyone?

People talking about Santorum 'going all the way' are smoking crack.